About Aiken’s First Baptist Church
As a community of faith, we aren’t afraid of questions, but rather find them to be invigorating to faith. As fellow travelers on the road of life, we aren’t afraid of pain, but rather find that pain shared more quickly gives way to peace and joy. As followers of Jesus, we aren’t perfect, and we don’t expect anyone else to be perfect either. As people working for the repair of God’s good world, we can’t promise to have all the answers to all the problems of life, but we can promise to be together, to work hand in hand, and to point one another toward our hope in the one who makes all things new.
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About Worship

Worship at Aiken’s First Baptist Church
We gather for worship on Sundays at 11:00 a.m. We also provide worship opportunities online, but live streamed and on-demand services if you are not able to worship with us in-person.
Our prayer is that our worship is a space of transformation where we are met by and awakened to the presence of God and cannot help but be changed for the good by that encounter with the holy. Our prayer is that our worship is a space where all the things we carry in life—joys and sorrows, hopes and regrets, worries and gratitude—are welcomed, for we need not drop them at the door in order to encounter God. And our prayer is that our worship prepares us to return back to our lives to live and share the love of God we have received in this space.
Our worship can best be described as warmly traditional. Timeless hymns with organ accompaniment, responsive readings, lay leadership that includes all ages, choral music presented by our Sanctuary Choir, and sermons that seek to apply the truths of scripture to our daily living, all characterize the worship of God we experience here.
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