Children’s Ministry
Aiken’s First Baptist Church is committed to loving and caring for children and guiding them as they learn about Jesus and grow in their desire to be more like him. We provide our children with opportunities for education, spiritual development, missions, and worship.
Laying firm foundations early is important and we strive to love and encourage those in our care as we walk alongside them on their spiritual journey. Together we work with parents to teach children to love God with all of their heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love their neighbors as themselves!
Weekly Schedule
9:45 am: Sunday School (1st and 2nd floor education building)
11:00 am: Worship
5:15 pm: Dinner
6:00 pm:
- Music Makers 3k-5k (Room 206 – 2nd floor education building)
- Young Musicians 1st – 5th grade (Choir room – 2nd floor education building)
6:45 pm:
- Missions Friends 3k-5k (Kindergarten Room off of Gym)
- Girls in Action 1st-5th grade girls (Room 205 – 2nd floor education building)
- Royal Ambassadors 1st-5th grade boys (Room 206 – 2nd floor education building)
Sunday School
Preschool-aged children, crib babies to 5k meet on the first floor of the administration building.
Elementary school-aged children meet on the second floor of the administration building in room 208. The children meet together for an opening time where they learn about the Bible Story lesson. Then they participate in one of the following learning styles that build on the weekly theme: Bible Story Enhancement, Arts and Science, Discipleship, or Cooking.
Wednesday Night Mission Programs
During the school year, our children have an opportunity to learn about missions through our Wednesday night programs: Mission Friends, Royal Ambassadors, Girls in Action. The children study missions through special projects, interaction with missionaries, and occasional field trips to engage in hands-on missions themselves. These groups meet Wednesday nights, 6:45 – 7:30 pm.
Children’s Music
Music Makers (3k-5k) — Objectives for this group include developing musical awareness, learning basic musical skills, and understanding uses of music in the church. Music Makers learn to use instruments as they continue to develop vocal skills and responses to music. These children participate in special Christmas and end-of-the-year programs and occasionally lead in worship. This group meets each Wednesday night, 6:00 – 6:40 p.m.
Young Musicians (1st-5th grades) — Worship education and studies relating to basic choral musicianship combine to form the curriculum for this choir. Hymns and simple anthems make up the choir’s literature. They occasionally lead in worship and take part in Christmas, Children’s Day, and other special events during the year. This group meets each Wednesday night, 6:00 – 6:40 pm.
Special Events
Every summer our older children go to Passport Camp to deepen their relationships with God and one another. It is an awesome time of worship, fun games, rich Bible studies, and incredible opportunities to grow in faith.
We also offer a number of other camps and special events throughout the year. These events keep us growing together while having fun. Basketball Camp, a Family Christmas Party, Trunk or Treat, Pancakes and Pajamas, Vacation Bible School and Big Games Day are just some of the many opportunities provided throughout the year.