Youth Ministry

Our youth ministry is a place of connection and acceptance made up of students from grades 6 through 12, adult volunteers, college mentors and staff.

We are a safe space where all students are welcomed, friendships develop, and change occurs. We provide a place for students to authentically be themselves while also walking alongside them as they discover new pieces of their identities.

Weekly Schedule

Sundays on the Third Floor

  • 9:45 am Youth Sunday School
  • 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm Youth Gatherings on 2nd & 4th Sundays

Wednesdays on the Third Floor

  • 6:00 pm – 6:45 pm Fellowship & Games
  • 6:45 pm – 7:30 pm Youth Bible Study
A boy child is sitting quietly in School class, coloring a picture, as teachers walk around behind him.

Camps and Retreats

Camps and retreats are essential in youth ministry! They provide the opportunity to focus on building and strengthening relationships. Youth who attend and participate in retreats experience God in ways impossible to convey in a couple hours a week in a church building.  Getting away from home and church allows time for the youth to simply be together. Experiencing different environments and new challenges along with spending an extended time with their peers will help to create unique memories, which are vital parts of forming more authentic and long-lasting friendships.

Camps & Retreats


  • Middle School Mission Trip
  • Unidiversity Youth Camp
  • Third Floor Lock-In
  • All Youth Fall Retreat
A boy child is sitting quietly in School class, coloring a picture, as teachers walk around behind him.

Special Events

We also do a number of other special events throughout the year that keep us growing together while having fun. We have pumpkin carving in October, a Christmas party in December, messy games day in the summer, and a variety of Fun First Sundays. In the summer we gather for Wednesday Lunches somewhere in town and organize a variety of outings. This past summer we went to Carowinds and had a pool party.

Youth Ministry Resources