Mission engagement is at the heartbeat of what we do because we believe that God is about the work of making all things new and calls us to partner in that vital work. We partner in that work by providing opportunities for all ages to get involved in making a difference in the lives of our neighbors and in the wider world God has called us to love. We also partner in that work by giving monetary and in-kind donations to the vital endeavors of mission partners locally and around the world. And we also partner in that work by encouraging individuals to find that place where they can make a difference by using the gifts God has given them. We hope you will join us as we partner with God for the sake of a better world. Simply contact us in the church office to learn who leads these various efforts, and we will be glad to put you in touch with the right person.

Mission Opportunities
Middle School Mission Retreat
In the spring, our Middle Schoolers spend a weekend making a difference in a city somewhere in the southeast by partnering with a mission group in that city. Most recently our Middle Schoolers traveled to Atlanta to care for those experiencing homelessness and food insecurity.
Children’s Mission Programs
During the school year, our children have an opportunity to learn about missions through our Wednesday night programs: Mission Friends, Royal Ambassadors, Girls in Action. The children study missions through special projects, interaction with missionaries, and occasional field trips to engage in hands-on missions themselves. These groups meet Wednesday nights, 6:45 – 7:30 pm.
Mission HERE
Helping Everyone Reach Everyone – In 2022 we launched a local, intergenerational mission effort to touch the lives of those in need by engaging in much needed home repair. We repaired a roof, replaced crumbling subfloors, installed needed water heaters, repaired water damage from leaks, and repainted a home. Kids, youth, and adults of all ages worked together to make a huge difference. Now, Mission HERE continues as the umbrella we use for all of our local mission efforts.
GED Classes
In 2022, in partnership with Second Baptist Church and Christ Central, we relaunched a GED program on the northside of Aiken. Volunteers from all three entities work together to change lives as individuals pursue their GED and better opportunities for their future.
Nursing Home Worship
Weekly we have different teams who go to local nursing homes to share music and a devotional with those who wish to gather for a time of worship.
Homeless Coalition Lunches
The Second Sunday of each month, we have teams who prepare and distribute lunches to those who are experiencing homelessness.
Men’s Ministry
Our men’s ministry regularly builds wheelchair ramps for those who have had some injury or illness that has confined them to a wheelchair and created difficulty for them to enter and exit their home.
Women in Missions
Our women in missions group gathers bi-annually to enjoy fellowship and prepare incredible mission work for the months ahead. The number of agencies they support and lives they impact is immeasurable.
Summer Mission Trips
As the effects of the pandemic wane, we hope to restart our summer mission trips in the near future. In the past, these trips have been to various areas in the US and overseas and have been open to both high school youth and adults.
Prayer Quilt Ministry
Our prayer quilt ministry meets every Thursday from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon to make prayer quilts for individuals in our church and community who could benefit from a tangible reminder of the prayers that people are lifting for them. Once the quilts have been made, they are prayed over by church members who tie a knot in the quilt as a representation of their prayer before they are given to the recipient.

Encourager Church
Over the past several years, we have entered into a covenant of encouragement with particular Cooperative Baptist Fellowship field personnel, who are doing incredible work for God’s kingdom. That covenant typically lasts for 3 to 5 years and involves our commitment of prayerful engagement, relational encouragement, and financial support. Currently we are covenant partners with Jessica Hearne who is doing incredible work among those experiencing homelessness and food insecurity in Danville, VA through her work with Third Chance Ministries.

Mission Giving
Through our annual budget we regularly support several local mission partners. We also partner in global mission efforts with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. Some of our mission partners are:
- Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
- Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of South Carolina
- Area Churches Together Serving
- Community Medical Clinic
- Community Care and Counseling
- Family Promise
- Christ Central

Mission through our Facilities
We believe our facilities are not just for us but are for the good of the community, as well. Therefore, we seek to share our facilities with our local community, especially with those seeking to make a difference in the lives of others. Three groups have permanent places on our campus that they use to further their mission—The Community Care and Counseling Center, Brothers and Sisters after school program, and Young Life. Other groups hold meetings or events in our facilities from time to time.