Thursday Thoughts

October 26, 2023

A Quarterly Business Meeting will be held this Wednesday, November 1, at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Several important items will be discussed:

2024 Ministry Action Plan

Organizational Chart with Committee Assignments

Third Quarter Financial Report

A copy of these documents will be available for pick-up outside the sanctuary this Sunday, October 29. We encourage you to review the proposed budget and other documents and be present at this important business meeting.

I look forward to seeing you there!


Debra Haney

October 19, 2023

Dear Church Family,

I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait for Sunday! It is going to be a joy to worship with our brothers and sisters from Second Baptist Church and to enjoy a fellowship lunch afterwards. Also, I heard the joint choirs practicing together last night, and it was spectacular!!! As we prepare for this Sunday, I just wanted to share a few reminders about the day so that we can all be ready to welcome Second Baptist well.

If you are able, please park at one of our more distant parking locations for that day. We have our parking spots across York Street next to the African-American Museum. We have also secured permission to park across Barnwell at the Anderson & Anderson building. If you need to park closer, please park toward the Roberts Building side of our parking lot as we are seeking to reserve the York Street side of our parking lot for our guests that day. Additional handicap spots will be noted for the day, as well. And if all spots get full, you can park on the median of Barnwell by putting two tires on the grass and two on the street.

We will have security present for this day, and they will be wearing black polos and green khakis. It will be provided by a company our safety team has reached out to as we learn of what we need to implement long-term here at our own church. Second Baptist is accustomed to having a safety team in place, so we are doing this as an act of hospitality since our safety team is still in a research and formation phase and is not yet operational.

When you enter the sanctuary, do your best to spread out, welcome our guests from Second Baptist, and sit alongside them for worship. I know we all have our seats that we are accustomed to using every Sunday, but we will be flexible and hospitable this day as we would anytime we welcome guests.

Children’s opportunities will be provided as usual for our worship hour. There will be nursery for the youngest children during the entire service and children’s church will be provided for other older preschool and younger elementary kids following the children’s moment. If you only come for worship, it will be helpful if you arrive just a bit early and go by the children’s area to sign-in your children as we are implementing a new check-in system for the children’s area.

When worship ends and we begin making our way toward lunch, please offer to show our friends from Second Baptist the way to the gym and fellowship hall and then join them in line. We are accustomed to letting guests go first, but if we do that this time around we will accidentally end up separating ourselves from one another and not be able to share lunch around the same tables. So, let’s help folks find their way to lunch, join them in line, and then share tables, good food, and great fellowship together. By the way, lunch will be served via two lines in the gym and seating will be available in both the gym and the fellowship hall.

Finally, let me again offer a huge thank you to all the folks that have already put in great work to prepare us well for this Sunday. I know even more work by more folks will be offered over the course of the weekend; and I am grateful. It is going to be a wonderful day, and it will be so because of the good work and the good hearts of God’s people in this place.

Grace and Peace,



October 12, 2023

We Love our AFBC Ministry Team!

October is Minister Appreciation Month. We want to recognize and thank our Ministers and Directors who lead us so effectively and tirelessly. John, Debra, Zach, Sarah, and Matt – Thank You. And one more thanks to Ellen, who led our Children’s ministry so wonderfully the past five years.

Most of what these five do to lead our church and our programs is visible. Preaching, teaching, pastoral care, worship, music, children, youth, administration, families, planning, coordinating, and resourcing committees. But there is also much work and commitment behind the scenes. They work hard to be an effective team, supporting each other individually and each other’s programs. Sadly, this kind of teamwork is not the case in every church, but it is in ours and we are grateful. John gets much of the credit for building teamwork among our staff, but all five of them give their time and energy to make the staff a team. They genuinely care for each other in sacrificial ways.

For every hour our ministry staff spends delivering their programs, there is comparable time not visible to us. They minister to our families in private, minister in our community, visit in the hospital and care facilities, and counsel. We are reminded just how dedicated they are.

Also, a thank you to the families of our ministry staff for supporting them on our behalf. Although we do everything we can to enable a healthy work/family balance, we know our ministry staff makes sacrifices all the time to help our church thrive and to bless us.

Also, a thank you to Anna, our outstanding church musician. We appreciate your talent and your dedication to our music programs.

Finally, a thank you to our Support Staff (Gail, LeAnne, and Darin) for the vital contribution they make everyday to the administrative, financial, and maintenance operations of our church. We could not do church effectively without them.

From all of us in the congregation to our ministry staff, support staff, and their families – Thank You!


Bob McQuinn, Chair of Personnel Committee

October 5, 2023

Dear Church Family,  

I am so very excited about our upcoming joint worship opportunity with Second Baptist Church, and I hope you are, as well.  On Sunday, October 22 we will welcome our brothers and sisters from Second Baptist Church to our campus for worship at 11:00 am and a wonderful fellowship lunch afterwards.  

Here are some things that you can look forward to.  Members of Second Baptist’s choir will join our choir for a special anthem, “Days of Elijah,” and the Second Baptist praise team will also offer a special selection during the service.  Leaders from both congregations will guide us throughout the entire service, including communion served by deacons from both congregations.  Additionally, we will be blessed as Rev. Doug Slaughter brings the message that morning.  Then, we will all get to share wonderful barbeque and sides as we break bread together following worship.  

Here are some things to be aware of and some ways that you can help us welcome Second Baptist well that day.  

If you are able, please park at one of our more distant parking locations for that day.  We, of course, have our parking spots across York Street next to the African-American Museum.  We have also secured permission to park across Barnwell at the Anderson & Anderson building.  If you need to park closer, please park toward the Roberts Building side of our parking lot as we are seeking to reserve the York Street side of our parking lot for our guests that day.  Additional handicap spots will be noted for the day, as well.  We will need additional ushers to assist with parking and welcoming everyone that day, so if you are able to serve in this way, please contact David McGuire or the church office to let us know.  

We will have security present for this day.  It will be provided by a company our safety team has reached out to as we learn of what we need to implement long-term here at our own church.  Second Baptist is accustomed to having a safety team in place, so we are doing this as an act of hospitality since our safety team is still in a research and formation phase and is not yet operational.  

When you enter the sanctuary, do your best to spread out, welcome our guests from Second Baptist, and sit alongside them for worship.  I know we all have our seats that we are accustomed to using every Sunday, but we will be flexible and hospitable this day as we would anytime we welcome guests.  

When worship ends and we begin making our way toward lunch, please offer to show our friends from Second Baptist the way to the gym and fellowship hall and then join them in line.  We are accustomed to letting guests go first, but if we do that this time around we will accidentally end up separating ourselves from one another and not be able to share lunch around the same tables.  So, let’s help folks find their way to lunch, join them in line, and then share tables, good food, and great fellowship together.  By the way, lunch will be served via two lines in the gym and seating will be available in both the gym and the fellowship hall.  

Finally, let me close with a huge thank you to all the folks that have already put in great work to prepare us well for this Sunday.  I know even more work by more folks will be offered in the weeks to come; and I am grateful.  It is going to be a wonderful day, and it will be so because of the good work and the good hearts of God’s people in this place.  

Grace and Peace,  John 

September 28, 2023

Blessing of the Pets 


If you have ever stopped by the church on a Thursday, chances are you have met my dog, August. She is the youth mascot, she knows the church backwards and forwards, and whether they like it or not, she will stop by everyone’s office multiple times a day. She loves to roll in wet grass, hates walking on a leash, and her favorite word is “ball.” I can’t even begin to count her quirks, but nevertheless she’s everything I could have ever asked for. If I had to guess, you would probably describe your pet the same way.   

Pets bring us joy, laughter, and life-lessons that help us live better lives. The author of Job writes, “Ask the animals, and they will teach you; the birds of the air, and they will tell you;…and the fish of the sea will declare to you. In God’s hand is the life of every living thing.” The trees, the animals, and land. We are called to care for all of it. Pets are just one important piece of that creation. Whether that pet is a dog, a cat, a lizard, a bird, a fish, or anything else, I sincerely hope you will join us for our second annual Blessing of the Pets service. May this be a time to honor not only our pets and companions whom we love so dearly, but to also remember the rest of creation that God so beautifully designed! Join us Sunday afternoon, October 8th at 4:00 P.M. Please bring your pets leashed or crated and meet in the parking lot near the portico. I look forward to seeing you all!   

Sarah Laurence 

September 21, 2023

As I continue to settle into my role as Minister to Children and Families at Aiken’s First Baptist, I am so thankful that God has led me to serve alongside this group of people. I have already experienced so much support and begun to form some powerful relationships. I have loved leading in worship, working with our staff, and most of all, ministering to our wonderful children and families alongside incredibly gifted and faithful volunteers. My list of “firsts” with this body of believers has only begun, and I am beyond excited to see how it continues to grow. One “first” that I have the privilege of helping put together is our Trunk-or-Treat, which will be here before we know it, so here are the details!   

Trunk-or-Treat will take place on Wednesday, October 25th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in our church’s parking lot. No matter if you are young or old, parents or not, or somewhere in between, we invite YOU to come out and join us! There will be a place for everyone to plug in and have fun, whether that means simply attending the event, volunteering, or even some of both. There will be food, games, and lots of sweets, but as you know, an event like this cannot happen on its own, so here are some ways YOU can help!  

Candy donations can be dropped off in the white cabinets by the church office. We will need lots of it to make sure our folks decorating trunks have a steady supply to hand out. Speaking of which, this year, we will be awarding prizes to the three participants who have the best trunk in one of the following categories: Trunk with the Best Costumes, Most Interactive Trunk, and Most Creative Trunk (one prize only per category). The more trunks we have, the better, so use this link to register your trunk and ensure your chance to win a prize! You can also use that link to register to bake a cake for the cakewalk or to help supervise an activity like a carnival game. 

Lastly, you can help by telling those in your circle about this event and inviting them out to join us too! This will be a wonderful opportunity to practice joy through play, deepen relationships with those we know, and to make connections with those we do not. Let’s dig deep to help make this event all it can be and to show our community who we really are!    

In truth and love, 

Matt Waller 

(704) 466-2321 

September 14, 2023

Women in Missions  

The Women in Missions (WIM) group at AFBC are women of all ages who are interested in assisting those in need.  These women give generously of their time and resources.  They have for many years given needed supplies to these local agencies: ACTS, Community Medical Center, Cumbee Center, Helping Hands, My Father’s House, Salvation Army and the Backpack food program for Aiken County students.   Other programs for which they have provided items are the FBC Preschool Library and laundry supplies for the Teen Center at Second Baptist Church.  Because of their generous contributions, WIM is able to provide emergency assistance of food and services for families in crisis.  Our ladies not only support financially these programs but many volunteer their time at the Community Medical Center, the GED program at Second Baptist Church, Salvation Army, My Father’s House, ACTS Rural Food Distribution, Aiken Senior Life Services, Great Oak Equine Assisted Program (Therapeutic riding) and preparing and serving lunches for the homeless population and the Women Build volunteers of Habitat for Humanity.  When Missions HERE was conducted, our women assisted on the job sites, in the craft area, providing lunches and serving wherever needed.  They serve with kindness and grace.  

If you would like to be part of this loving group, please join us in the Fellowship Hall on September 23 at 6:00 p.m. to hear of mission opportunities for the fall and winter.  You will be a blessing to someone and will receive a blessing too.  Thanks be to God for willing and faithful servants!  

Debbie Sessions 

September 7, 2023

Chili Cook-Off

I would like to invite you to a very important event that will be unlike any other Wednesday night. When you arrive for activities on Wednesday September 20th you will not be attending your regular Wednesday night meal and programming. You will be entering our annual Chili Cook-Off! The Fellowship Hall will be transformed into a festive college-themed extravaganza, and your nostrils will be met with the amazing aroma of countless chilis lined up for you to taste!

This year, funds from the Chili Cook-Off will benefit everyone! Our current bus has been faithful to us for many years, and we are so grateful for the miles and adventures it has shared with us! But with time it has become less reliable and safe for our children and youth. This fundraiser is to raise money for the necessary maintenance of our bus to insure safety, as well as purchase a second vehicle in the near future.

I hope you will be present on Wednesday September 20th to attend this exciting evening! Come enjoy the Chili Cook-Off, but please remember our goal for the evening is to raise funds for a new church vehicle. Invite your friends, your neighbors, and bring the whole family for a fun night!

At our Chili Cook-Off Fundraiser, you can expect to find great chili, tasty desserts and a whole lotta fun! While you are enjoying the event you can make donations in several ways. You can plan ahead and bring cash to vote for your favorite chili. You can write a check for your donations to put in the jar of your favorite chili. When you arrive, you can write a check for more than your dinner amount and receive cash back, or just make a donation. We will also have donation jars on all the tables to make a private donation of cash or check.

Also, I am still looking for individuals to donate chili! So, if you want to throw your hat in the ring for the best chili, PLEASE! We need it! 🙂 Sign up by clicking the link below or calling the main office.

Sarah Laurence

August 31, 2023

This next week we will begin offering two support groups—one for those experiencing grief and one for those who find themselves in the role of caretaker right now.  I’ve been thinking about the name we give to such gatherings as these.  Whether a group gathers because of a common experience of grief, caretaking, depression, addiction, heart disease, or cancer, we most often call such a group a support group.  It is deeply accurate, but I can’t help but wonder if the name itself is a bit of a hurdle in our American culture. 

First, we don’t like to show any struggles or weakness or need.  We are supposed to be able to handle it all and handle it all on our own.  And, if we can’t handle it all, we are at least supposed to pretend like we can.  When it comes time to ask for prayer concerns, we are ready to lift up obstacles and hurts that others are facing, but often are reticent to name the hurts of our own lives.  When it comes to having people over to our homes, we are hesitant because our lives might not be put together as well as others.  When it comes to social media, we curate only the best moments to show for the likes of the world.  When it comes to asking for help, we simply don’t ask even though we desperately need it because we don’t want to be a bother.  So, in a culture like ours, it might be hard for us to claim we need support. 

Second, we are highly individualistic—except that is a bit of an understatement these.  I think we have gotten to the point where we are dangerously individualistic.  We are supposed to be self-made.  We are supposed to brave the wilderness of life on our own terms.  We are supposed to be able to have the world on a string while we do it our way.  So, in a culture like ours, it might be hard for us to claim we need a group. 

But here are some of the claims of the gospel that I find in Jesus.  We all need help from outside ourselves—we need help from God and from brothers and sisters.  Sometimes we need that help because of the mess we make, often we need that help because of the mess life throws at us.  We are never called to do anything alone—Jesus walked with 12 and shared intimately with 3, and any time he sent his followers out, he sent them in pairs of two.  And then there’s this—we find our life by losing it, and we discover God’s strength in our weakness. 

The truth of the gospel and the truth of life is that we all need support groups along the way—whether they are formally organized or just a gathering of true friends around a dinner table.  We need people with whom we can be honest about our struggles, our failures, our weaknesses, our deep needs.  We need a community that will hold space for the new things God does when we get honest about what we can’t do on our own.  We need people who know they are fellow travelers and strugglers and therefore walk graciously right by our side. 

I hope you will let go of the false claims of our culture that you have to be able to handle it all and you have to be able to handle it on your own.  I hope you will embrace the truth of the gospel that we need God and one another and that powerful things can be birthed out of weak places.  I hope you will find the support group you need—one of our officially named support groups, one of our Sunday School classes, or just a gathering of trusted brothers and sisters.  I know my life has been changed for the better because of the support I have gotten from folks willing to be fellow travelers on this journey of life. 

August 24, 2023

Calling all families!   

Are you looking for opportunities to deepen your relationship with your children and have fun with other families? Could you benefit from some helpful parenting resources? Do you still need to fill out this year’s permission forms for your child(ren)? Are you interested in doing some visioning for your family and our church programs for the new church year?  

If you answered yes to any of those questions, we hope that you’ll join us for Family Fun Night on Sunday, August 27th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center! There will be group games, team building, and dinner! The cost is just $10 per family. There’s still just a little time to register, so please do so ASAP by following this link: 

Please feel free to reach out with any questions. Thank you for your continued support of our children and youth ministries! We hope that you’ll come out and have some fun with us!   

In truth and love, 

Matt Waller 

(704) 466-2321 

August 17, 2023

Call for Student Prayer Partners  

The majority of our students have already begun a new school year and are adjusting to a new school calendar.  Think about all that a new school year brings – new teachers, harder subjects, new friends, peer pressure and new school campuses for some of our students.  Add to that the challenges and concerns about safety on school campuses.  Our students need the prayer support of their church family.    

We were so blessed last year by the response of our church family that we were able to pair all of our students in 3-K through college with prayer partners.  We hope to do the same again this year.  We are asking each prayer partner to pray at least once a week for 3-4 students.  When you receive your list of students with contact information, we ask that you let them know that you are their prayer partner for this school year. We would encourage prayer partners to send a few cards during the school year, but that is optional.   

If you would be willing to bless the lives of our students by praying for them, please contact Sara Adams at 803-292-8551 or at  There will also be sign-up sheets in the Sunday School packets.  Thank you for being a loving, caring church family as we entrust our students into God’s care this school year through our prayers.  

The Prayer Ministry Team 

August 10, 2023

It almost sounds inane to write it, but it is time for us to think about Christmas!!!! Specifically, it is time to think about our Christmas Cantata! For those who may not be in the know, the Christmas Cantata is one of our larger music endeavors here at Aiken’s First Baptist Church. A service that this year will take place at 11:00 am on December 17, it is an experience filled with music. For that hour, you will hear narrative set to music detailing the beauty of this season. The Sanctuary Choir will sing, instrumentalists will accompany, and a beautiful form of worship will occur. This year, we will be preparing Lloyd Larson’s The Glory of Christmas. It is going to be a wonderful experience. We plan on bringing in 11 wonderful string and woodwind players to enrich the presentation that much more. What I would love is to fill out the choir loft and make this a morning to remember! This opportunity is truly open to all, and I mean that. Whether you believe you can sing or not is immaterial. We aim to assemble a group that is passionate about joining together in a wonderful form of worship. All you need to possess is a heart for collaboration. On Sunday, September 10, from 3:00 pm – 6:30 pm we will have our Cantata Kickoff. This is a fun filled afternoon where you can get exposed to this year’s cantata. The Music Council works hard to make this a meaningful event. There will be drawings for prizes, singing, laughter, and the day concludes with a fabulous Italian meal in appreciation of all of your efforts. If you are a parent or caretaker of children, know that childcare will be available for the duration of the event! Even if you cannot attend the kickoff, we still want you to sing! The following Wednesday, September 13, and each Wednesday after, the first thirty minutes of Sanctuary choir rehearsal will consist of Cantata practice. After that 30 minutes, those who are involved only with the Cantata are free to depart! It is my hope that by lowering the bar for involvement, some may feel comfortable singing that haven’t before. I do hope that you will prayerfully consider this opportunity. It is such a powerful way to help lead in worship, and I assure you it will be a memory that you will carry with you for many years to come. Take a leap and come sing with us!

Zach Derr

Director of Music & Worship




This summer was quite a busy one! It felt like something was happening every week leading up to our youth summer camp Unidiversity. My first day of work was right when we kicked off for lunch clubs, so it was a fun segway into seeing some of the youth I hadn’t seen during church or the school year. Along with our usual lunch clubs, Sarah added a new activity called Wacky Wednesdays, where I was free to decide and plan what we would be doing on some Wednesdays throughout the summer! This was the first of many “do it yourself” moments Sarah offered me this summer, which I gladly did, and I enjoyed the freedom to plan some activities. Among the other “do it yourself” moments, Sarah tasked me to re-populate the third floor with current pictures of our youth which I have loved being able to do, and if you have the chance to check it out, I highly recommend you do! This task gave me a great space to reflect on the past two years I have spent with these kids and how much we have all grown together in faith and friendship. Among the many things I enjoyed and felt comfortable doing, there is always something that is not very comfortable: writing/creating my devotion to do with our youth during our Prayer Breakfasts. I struggled with writing the devotion initially, and while it did become easier, it was still something I was new to. But I feel that being pushed out of my comfort zone was beneficial. It made me try things I wouldn’t usually try, perform well, and learn from what I was doing.

Along with spending time with the youth, I also got some time with some of the younger kids during VBS, which was so much fun. I was a crew leader for the first time in I’m not sure how long for the preschoolers, which I always did when I was in youth! So it was fun to expand my reach that week and move out of my realm of youth. Aside from working with our youth and kids, there is also all the other stuff I could do as I did last year: reading scripture, doing a couple of children’s sermons, and different related worship roles. I have always enjoyed being involved in worship. I feel like it shows that anyone can be involved (especially younger people like me)! On that note, some of y’all may have been at Church this past Sunday for children and youth Sunday and seen the kids’ involvement! This is always one of my favorite Sundays, to have everyone hear all the kids talk about their experiences from the summer. This Sunday, I was able to give a little snippet of my summer experience to give y’all an insider’s view into the life of a youth intern!  Along with everything else, I was able to build some stronger relationships with everyone on staff and had lots of fun with them these past two months. Even though this summer was busy, I really enjoyed how supportive everyone has been in everything I have done this summer, and I am so grateful that I could do this internship these past two years, and I’m so excited for next year to continue to learn and try new things!


Emily Berry

Youth Intern