Earlier this year, the discipleship committee began working on Bible studies for this fall and next spring. As they were working on these, they decided to pick one overarching theme that various short-term Bible studies could fit into. Eventually, they landed on Micah 6:8:
“He has told you, O mortal, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?
Now, not every Bible study in the fall, winter, and spring will touch on this theme exactly, but most of them will in some form or fashion. For instance, our Wednesday night study on our Baptist identity may seem distant from this theme. Yet, it will touch on what it means to be a Baptist church that ordains and affirms women in all levels of church leadership—definitely an issue of equity and justice in our day.
Below you will see a full list of the offerings for the fall, winter, and spring, and we hope you will make plans to join in some or all of these studies. We especially hope this will be true for those of you who do not yet have a regular small group you belong to. If we truly want to grow deeper in our faith and closer in our walk with Jesus, we need to do so alongside others who enrich us by their words and their walk of faith.
Speaking of regular, ongoing small groups, you will find a full list of our Sunday morning and weekday small group listed below. There are some new offerings there as well, including a Friday morning offering for men, so we hope you will check those out and join us as we grow together!
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