Whether you are like me and have never played pickleball a day in your life or you are like many members of our community who love to play pickleball regularly, I am so excited to have the pleasure of inviting you to join us at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, March 8th for a fun time of pickleball and fellowship right here in our very own AFBC gym. Regardless of whether you have pickleball equipment, know the rules of the game, or even consider yourself an athlete, I hope you will try something new and join us as we learn together.

Over the past several months, many groups within the life of our church have been brainstorming ways to foster more intergenerational connection within the life of our congregation as well as interest from the surrounding community. Thus, the idea was born to create an accessible, tournament-style, recreation event that might attract and allow individuals of all ages to participate. We have the space in our gym for it, and you have different circles of influence in which you can spread the word and help make this not just a church event, but a community event. So, please don’t let the word “tournament” scare you! Our goal is relationship-building and fun, not trophies and competition.

That being said, we are basically a week away from this event, so if you haven’t registered yet, please do so as soon as possible so we can get a better idea of just how many people to expect. If you have your own equipment, you are more than welcome to bring it! Furthermore, if you have any extra equipment (paddles and/or balls) that you are willing to let others use during this event, please let me know! Please follow this link to register:


For those of you who still aren’t convinced, that is okay! We’d love to see you too, even if it means that you just come to watch! Once the event begins, the plan is to gather everyone to explain rules/set expectations before breaking up into different groups to play depending on experience level. We will also provide lunch and refreshments in our Fellowship Hall. If you wish to volunteer or contribute to the event in any way, whether that be sponsoring lunch, lending an extra hand to teach on the court, or even passing out water, there is a place for you! Just contact me via text or email, and we will set up a time to talk! As always, thank you all for your continued investment in the life of our church!

In truth and love,

Matt Waller


(704) 466-2321