In their book, Children’s Ministry in the Way of Jesus, David M. Csinos and Ivy Beckwith write, “In our contemporary consumer/capitalist society, children can easily be seen as consumers of ministry, those who are on the receiving end of ministry. Notions of ministry to or for children can denote this view of children’s ministry, one of adults actively ministering and children passively consuming ministry.”
This Sunday, I am excited to say that we have a wonderful opportunity and intentional reminder to flip the script on this common way of thinking about the role of children in worship. This Sunday, we get to take part in what Csinos and Beckwith refer to as “ministry with children.” They describe it in this way: “ministry that involves serving children, being served by children and serving the world with children.”
What a beautiful gift it is to exist within a body of believers that allows little ones full access to participate just like anyone else! Dr. James H. Ritchie, Jr. says that, because children are concrete learners, depending on their own experiences to learn and process their own faith journeys, it behooves us to give them opportunities to experience all that being part of a faith community has to offer.
That being said, thank you all for the ways you already empower our little ones and thank you in advance for supporting them as they lead us in worship together this Sunday morning. You will see members of both our AFBC Preschool and Children’s Ministry taking on different roles throughout the service, so let us be intentional about being as patient and welcoming as possible!
For anyone taking part in leading the worship service or assisting those leading, we will meet in the sanctuary at 10:30 a.m. for a quick run-through. As always, please contact me with any questions or concerns. Otherwise, we are excited to see you at 11:00 a.m. and are confident that you will be blessed!
In truth and love,
Matt Waller
(704) 466-2321
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