Last week, our church had the incredible opportunity to minister to over 100 children (and their families) during Vacation Bible School. It was only because of your generosity and the faithfulness of our volunteers that we were able to do this. I can confidently say that God’s love was made known in a big way, not only to the little ones, but to the adults as well. This year’s theme, “Scuba: diving into friendship with God,” focused on five main truths about God: that God is real, a friend who loves, a friend we can trust, a friend forever, and a friend for everyone. I am proud of the way that our volunteers not only taught these truths last week, but more importantly, embodied them to the ones in their care.  

I am proud of and humbled by the many people who helped to make V.B.S. a success this year. We genuinely wouldn’t have been able to do it without each and every one of the following individuals:  

Stage Construction and Design: Vicky and Jim McCullough 

Crew Leaders: Diane Addis, Elizabeth Anderson, Emily Berry, Margaret Campbell, Casey Carroll, Alan Hicks, Nancy Holmes, Gretchen and Patrick LeGrand, Melanie Pniewski, Heather Thurmond, & Penny Young 

Station Leaders and Support Staff: Rob Addis, Francine Alsbrooks, Allison Basile, Cathey and Tom Braziel, Susan Carr, John Carroll, Zach Derr, Gabe Gainey, Katherine Hicks, Sarah Laurence, Ellen Looper, Marion Mobley, Susan Myers, Marcy and Tom Reid, Kami Rice, Debbie Sessions, Karen Wilson, & Marilyn Winn 

AFBC Youth: Scott Campbell, William Fishpaw, Isabella McComb, Jack Nation, Caden Pniewski, Ali and Kingsley Rice, & Justin Wilson 

And all those who showed support in other ways (prayer, encouragement, advice, set-up, clean-up, and/or snacks, supplies, and monetary donations)  

Please continue to be in prayer for the lasting impacts (seen and unseen) that V.B.S. might have on the lives of those in our care last week. Whether we ever see them again or they are prompted to continue engaging with our church further, may we continue to be examples of God’s deep love for them. Just as we encouraged those last week to look out for “God sightings,” may we be a people whose hearts and eyes are always attentive to seeing God in both the ordinary as well as the not-so-ordinary. May we also never grow tired of giving thanks and praise to God for the many ways we have been blessed!  

If you didn’t get a chance to serve during V.B.S. this year, don’t worry! I would love to get you plugged in next year! Again, thank you all for your continued investment in the children’s program here at AFBC! It is vital for the continued life and growth of our church!   

In truth and love, 

Matt Waller