It’s one of our favorite times of year here at AFBC, and we have so many exciting things to look forward to this summer! Whether you are in the Children’s or Youth program, we have planned some great events and activities that you will not want to miss!   

A few things to highlight in the Youth Ministry: 

Lunch Club & Prayer Breakfast 

On the first Sunday of each month, we will meet at New Moon at 9:30 and spend the morning together. We will walk back to the church in time for worship to start. For all the other Sundays, unless stated otherwise, we will meet at different restaurants following worship to have lunch together.  

June 14th – Lock-In (Cost: $50) 

For the first time we will be changing things up! We’ll be locked OUT of the church for the first half of our night, and then we’ll lock back in for the remainder of the evening. Sign up now on our church app!  

July 8th-12th  – Unidiversity Youth Camp – Maryville College, Maryville, TN
Our theme this year Remember, Stories Around the Table will give our youth the opportunity to consider their place at the table, as well as live out sitting at the table with all God’s children. It’s going to be a great week!   

According to the youth calendar we will also have movies, games, water, games that involve water, etc. It will be quite the full summer, and Emily and I can’t wait to have you join us!   

A few things to highlight in the Children’s Ministry: 

June 10th-13th – Vacation Bible School 

Join us from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. each day as we “take kids deep into an amazing undersea adventure where they’ll experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God!” This event is free of charge and intended for children going into 4K through children going into 6th grade. However, we still need volunteers and snacks! Contact Matt if interested! VBS will conclude on the 13th with a Celebration Night in the Sanctuary at 6:00 p.m. followed by a dinner in the Fellowship Hall. The cost to attend dinner will be $5 a person.  

July 8th-July 11th – Passportkids Camp – Pfeiffer University, Misenheimer, NC 

Our theme this year, “Come to the Water,” will remind our children that “water is life, both physically and spiritually.” They will find out more about how “the Bible uses images of water to help us understand more about who God is and how to trust in the Living Water.” 

July 21st – Blessing of the Backpacks 

We encourage all our children to bring their backpacks with them to church to be blessed as they prepare to return to school. During Children’s Moment, we will pray over the backpacks and pass out tags that the children can keep with them as reminders of our love and support for them!  

Lastly, join us as we close out our summer with this very meaningful worship service!  

Sunday, July 28th – Youth & Children’s Sunday  

A Sunday all about our young people. This is a wonderful morning celebrating our children and youth and their involvement in this church. This service allows them to participate in worship leadership, as well as share stories from their summer. A spiritual year in review! Everyone wear your favorite youth or children’s ministry t-shirt and come be a part of this special day dedicated to our kiddos! 

In Truth and Love, 

Sarah and Matt