We Love our AFBC Ministry Team!
October is Minister Appreciation Month. We want to recognize and thank our Ministers and Directors who lead us so effectively and tirelessly. John, Debra, Zach, Sarah, and Matt – Thank You. And one more thanks to Ellen, who led our Children’s ministry so wonderfully the past five years.
Most of what these five do to lead our church and our programs is visible. Preaching, teaching, pastoral care, worship, music, children, youth, administration, families, planning, coordinating, and resourcing committees. But there is also much work and commitment behind the scenes. They work hard to be an effective team, supporting each other individually and each other’s programs. Sadly, this kind of teamwork is not the case in every church, but it is in ours and we are grateful. John gets much of the credit for building teamwork among our staff, but all five of them give their time and energy to make the staff a team. They genuinely care for each other in sacrificial ways.
For every hour our ministry staff spends delivering their programs, there is comparable time not visible to us. They minister to our families in private, minister in our community, visit in the hospital and care facilities, and counsel. We are reminded just how dedicated they are.
Also, a thank you to the families of our ministry staff for supporting them on our behalf. Although we do everything we can to enable a healthy work/family balance, we know our ministry staff makes sacrifices all the time to help our church thrive and to bless us.
Also, a thank you to Anna, our outstanding church musician. We appreciate your talent and your dedication to our music programs.
Finally, a thank you to our Support Staff (Gail, LeAnne, and Darin) for the vital contribution they make everyday to the administrative, financial, and maintenance operations of our church. We could not do church effectively without them.
From all of us in the congregation to our ministry staff, support staff, and their families – Thank You!
Bob McQuinn, Chair of Personnel Committee
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